Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Finish Line

As you may know, Dan has been studying for the last 6 months for his third and final CFA exam. It hasn't been an easy road, but to help him through it (and to keep my sanity) I have been planning some fun things for us to do after his exam. Since most of his time is spent at work or studying (with breaks for dinner and occasional TV shows), he hasn't had a lot of time to work out...and well, I could use a more consistant program. One thing he has been convincing me to try with him is P90X. I caved. I bought the program last week, along with resistance bands and push up stands. I'm going to keep an open mind and give it my best shot...

Other *fun things:

1) We were planning a trip to Europe in September, but decided to go to Napa, CA (Wine Country) instead. We'll stay 1 night in San Francisco and then drive to Napa and stay in a cottage for 3 nights! I couldn't be more excited!

2) Our couch was no longer comfortable with the too many moves, so we bought a custom couch and storage ottoman for our living room...YAY! Now when our friends come over there will actually be room for them to sit! It was supposed to arrive on the day of Dan's exam, but it's coming THIS Saturday :)

3) Summer events...starting with the Art & Taste Fair in CWE & we're running the Race for the Cure!

4) Walking/running w/ Bella (together)

5) Date nights

6) AND More...

...Until then, lets all wish Dan the best of luck on June 5th :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quarter Year Update

It's been a while since I've updated...I guess I'm a once-a-month blogger:) Dan and I have been working hard to change our diet habits; I think watching food revolution really kicked us up a notch. Have you seen that show? It's really amazing some of the crap we put in our bodies.

We (I) bought all fresh foods and are planning on cooking every fast food (which we rarely do anyway) and no tv dinners (which we tend to do too much of). Last night I cooked FRESH asparagus while Dan made turkey burgers--yum! It's not hard; we just have to actually make an effort to do a little better. I think we turned to tv dinners in NY b/c it was just too hard to cook. I would usually get home by 8pm and I would be exhausted from the gym and work, plus all we had was a microwave and burners anyway. I guess I no longer have an excuse now! Well, we can always come up with an excuse, but I shouldn't.

Along with a better diet, I'm planning on either A) going to the gym or B) taking Bella on a long walk/run in the park. I'm actually excited b/c the weather looks amazing this week. I actually hate going to the gym when the weather is so beautiful but, tonight I'm going to go to spinning class (my favorite). Tomorrow I'm planning on a run with Bella and Thursday is weight training, by myself!

My goal? Well, I've never really cared how much I weigh, I just want to feel good. Since I've started going back to the gym I am feeling much better and more like myself: more energy and generally happier (I love endorphins). If I'm putting a lbs. goal I just want to loose 5, maybe a little more. Other goals: be able to run 3-5 miles easily again and have my toned legs back:)

Anyway, I'm sure you all don't really care about that. It's just nice to put it out there...I'm sure someone will hold me to my healthy eating habits and exercise plan.

Other than generally being healthier, I need to begin planning for Europe which is really exciting to me! Dan and I decided we're going to Rome-Paris-London:) We haven't decided the date but it will probably be late August or early September (it's also our 2 year anniversary trip, to be celebrated a little early). Hopefully I'll have better updates regarding my progress on that trip!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Puppy Ownership

Many of you might not have a slight interest about the life of a puppy parent, but I think it's quite rewarding and fun. Bella has taught me a lot about caring for someone else rather than myself, patience, and a whole new level of cleaning (oh, the dog hair and the stuff she is able to track in!). I had no idea how much work a puppy really is...thankfully she's already 5 1/2 months old! It's hard to believe how fast she is growing up. Last time we weighed her she was 43 pounds, so it wouldn't surpise me if she was close to 50 now. Since she's grown up we've began to trust her a little more around the house. We don't have to worry about her chewing on the furniture, but she'll still pick up tiny things that I have missed (like my dry cleaning tags). Why are dogs so inclined to put things in their mouth??
We have been taking her to training classes about 2x a week (unless the class was cancelled or we couldn't make it because of another obligation or bad weather) for about 3 months. She has come a LONG way since we first began training her. I remember when we were first trying to teach her "down" and when I would correct her she would just roll over, hoping I was playing. She would also chew on EVERY THING--your fingers, hair, arms, shirt sleves, shoe laces, ankles; you name it she would chew on it (that's where my patience would wear a little thin)!

Last night she hit a milestone, or at least what I believe was a milestone. Every night, at the end of each class each dog has to go through a "test" which involves the trainer (me) having to cross his/her arms, drop the leash and command "sit/down". Each dog has to do it on their own, without correction (which what they say is the hardest part about passing). Other "tests" are the trainer leaving the dog when they are on a down and a sit and "come when called" command. Last night Bella was able to pass all of the tests!! I have to give her a C- though because when I said "down" she would crawl toward the trainer...but he gave me a few tries for her to get it right. Dan and I were so relieved because we've been going for months and because she is such a friendly dog, we were afraid she would NEVER pass!
We couldn't be happier with her though. She is such a good girl and we're happy to have her in our family!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Work out!

Who else hates working out as much as I do? Yes, I have to admit when I'm finished with a work out I feel great, but getting there is so hard! Plus, since I no longer have a trainer and no longer have a wedding dress to look good in what's the motivation?? (Besides looking great and feeling great in clothes and being generally healthy.)

I need to find a goal for 2010, something to work for...

1) Dan and I want to go to Europe in the summer and vacations are a good reason to be fit

2) A 5K, 10K, a 1/2 marathon?? (**why am I saying this, I hate running?!?)

I'm meeting with a training tonight for a free session. I hope she's good and she's not just going to go through the motions (or push me for a sale), but I need some sort of work out plan...and a good one!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy (belated) New Year!

I've missed keeping up w/ a blog; so I decided for 2010 I will start a new one (and try to keep up with it).

I figured since this is a new year, I thought I might take a look back at 2009 and plan for the new year ahead! (Hey, that's what I do!)


Con: Being unemployed/job searching for 9 months was no fun
Pro: Finding (and hopefully keeping) a job at a small architecture firm
Con: Leaving NY and our friends who live there (and close by) I still miss them, but at least we can visit (and they can visit us)
Pro: Moving to St. Louis to be close to family and old friends
Con: Packing/un-packing
Pro: Buying our first home in March
Pro: Having amenities in our home that we had missed in our apt. in NY, i.e. dishwasher, large fridge, a washer/dryer in our place, etc
Pro: Adopting a beautiful, sweet and lively golden retriever
Pro: Dan passed the CFA, level II
Con: Dan studying for the CFA, long hours away from me and really hard work for him

Plans for 2010:

-So far we will be attending 3 weddings in 2010! We are so excited to be a part of our friend's special days and watch them begin a new chapter in their lives
-Watch our puppy grow into a well behaved dog
-the 1st anniversary of purchasing our first home
-the 2nd yr anniversary of our marriage:)
-a trip to Europe (we hope/plan)
-Dan passing CFA, level III (his final exam)
-...and more:)