Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Work out!

Who else hates working out as much as I do? Yes, I have to admit when I'm finished with a work out I feel great, but getting there is so hard! Plus, since I no longer have a trainer and no longer have a wedding dress to look good in what's the motivation?? (Besides looking great and feeling great in clothes and being generally healthy.)

I need to find a goal for 2010, something to work for...

1) Dan and I want to go to Europe in the summer and vacations are a good reason to be fit

2) A 5K, 10K, a 1/2 marathon?? (**why am I saying this, I hate running?!?)

I'm meeting with a training tonight for a free session. I hope she's good and she's not just going to go through the motions (or push me for a sale), but I need some sort of work out plan...and a good one!

Wish me luck!

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