Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy (belated) New Year!

I've missed keeping up w/ a blog; so I decided for 2010 I will start a new one (and try to keep up with it).

I figured since this is a new year, I thought I might take a look back at 2009 and plan for the new year ahead! (Hey, that's what I do!)


Con: Being unemployed/job searching for 9 months was no fun
Pro: Finding (and hopefully keeping) a job at a small architecture firm
Con: Leaving NY and our friends who live there (and close by) I still miss them, but at least we can visit (and they can visit us)
Pro: Moving to St. Louis to be close to family and old friends
Con: Packing/un-packing
Pro: Buying our first home in March
Pro: Having amenities in our home that we had missed in our apt. in NY, i.e. dishwasher, large fridge, a washer/dryer in our place, etc
Pro: Adopting a beautiful, sweet and lively golden retriever
Pro: Dan passed the CFA, level II
Con: Dan studying for the CFA, long hours away from me and really hard work for him

Plans for 2010:

-So far we will be attending 3 weddings in 2010! We are so excited to be a part of our friend's special days and watch them begin a new chapter in their lives
-Watch our puppy grow into a well behaved dog
-the 1st anniversary of purchasing our first home
-the 2nd yr anniversary of our marriage:)
-a trip to Europe (we hope/plan)
-Dan passing CFA, level III (his final exam)
-...and more:)

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