Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quarter Year Update

It's been a while since I've updated...I guess I'm a once-a-month blogger:) Dan and I have been working hard to change our diet habits; I think watching food revolution really kicked us up a notch. Have you seen that show? It's really amazing some of the crap we put in our bodies.

We (I) bought all fresh foods and are planning on cooking every night...no fast food (which we rarely do anyway) and no tv dinners (which we tend to do too much of). Last night I cooked FRESH asparagus while Dan made turkey burgers--yum! It's not hard; we just have to actually make an effort to do a little better. I think we turned to tv dinners in NY b/c it was just too hard to cook. I would usually get home by 8pm and I would be exhausted from the gym and work, plus all we had was a microwave and burners anyway. I guess I no longer have an excuse now! Well, we can always come up with an excuse, but I shouldn't.

Along with a better diet, I'm planning on either A) going to the gym or B) taking Bella on a long walk/run in the park. I'm actually excited b/c the weather looks amazing this week. I actually hate going to the gym when the weather is so beautiful but, tonight I'm going to go to spinning class (my favorite). Tomorrow I'm planning on a run with Bella and Thursday is weight training, by myself!

My goal? Well, I've never really cared how much I weigh, I just want to feel good. Since I've started going back to the gym I am feeling much better and more like myself: more energy and generally happier (I love endorphins). If I'm putting a lbs. goal I just want to loose 5, maybe a little more. Other goals: be able to run 3-5 miles easily again and have my toned legs back:)

Anyway, I'm sure you all don't really care about that. It's just nice to put it out there...I'm sure someone will hold me to my healthy eating habits and exercise plan.

Other than generally being healthier, I need to begin planning for Europe which is really exciting to me! Dan and I decided we're going to Rome-Paris-London:) We haven't decided the date but it will probably be late August or early September (it's also our 2 year anniversary trip, to be celebrated a little early). Hopefully I'll have better updates regarding my progress on that trip!

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