Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Finish Line

As you may know, Dan has been studying for the last 6 months for his third and final CFA exam. It hasn't been an easy road, but to help him through it (and to keep my sanity) I have been planning some fun things for us to do after his exam. Since most of his time is spent at work or studying (with breaks for dinner and occasional TV shows), he hasn't had a lot of time to work out...and well, I could use a more consistant program. One thing he has been convincing me to try with him is P90X. I caved. I bought the program last week, along with resistance bands and push up stands. I'm going to keep an open mind and give it my best shot...

Other *fun things:

1) We were planning a trip to Europe in September, but decided to go to Napa, CA (Wine Country) instead. We'll stay 1 night in San Francisco and then drive to Napa and stay in a cottage for 3 nights! I couldn't be more excited!

2) Our couch was no longer comfortable with the too many moves, so we bought a custom couch and storage ottoman for our living room...YAY! Now when our friends come over there will actually be room for them to sit! It was supposed to arrive on the day of Dan's exam, but it's coming THIS Saturday :)

3) Summer events...starting with the Art & Taste Fair in CWE & we're running the Race for the Cure!

4) Walking/running w/ Bella (together)

5) Date nights

6) AND More...

...Until then, lets all wish Dan the best of luck on June 5th :)